How to Improve Your Law Firm Website

How to Improve Your Law Firm Website

You don’t need a law firm website if you are just starting out. Yes, you read that correctly. Even in 2022, a law firm website is not necessary.


You should have a website. 

With that said, your law firm website will probably never get on page one of Google, and that’s ok.

The main reason to have a law firm website is for AFTER people hear about you, they will go on your site. It raises eyebrows if you don’t have a website.

There are a ton of things that go into creating your website, but I want you to remember this overarching principle:

Your website is there to help potential clients

Your website should not be about you and how great your law firm is.

I spoke about this here on my YouTube Channel: Derron Woodfork


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Good luck!